
Omarte Lights Unleash 2017 Shanghai Super Strawberry Music Festival!

VIEWS:1113times RELEASE TIME:2018-06-28

The shocking high-energy images are still lingering in my mind. Omarte Ou Ma lights released their own light and heat to escort the five stages of the 2017 Shanghai Super Strawberry Music Festival, allowing more than 100,000 music fans to revel in the wave of light and shadow music and enjoy this feast of youth!

Omarte Ou Ma's partner Suzhou Hongyuan Stage Lighting Engineering Co., Ltd. undertook the overall project of this 2017 Shanghai Super Strawberry Music Festival. After comprehensive design and consideration in the lighting system project, Omarte Ou Ma's three-in-one computer lamp MOORE330BEAM, computer shake-head beam lamp MOORE260, 1500W shake-head dyeing lamp OA3500WASH, 1500W shake-head pattern lamp OA3500SPOT, and shake-head dyeing lamp LED904 were adopted.

Copyright 2018 OmarteTech Guangzhou omarte lighting co ltd. 備案號 粵ICP備11039844號
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